
Here are some ideas for providing your customers with helpful recommendations and setting the scene...
Locate Point-Of-Purchase Recipe Tear Pads Near Products
This is an easy way to answer the "how do I use this" question. Point-Of-Purchase Recipe Tear Pads are included in each case or you can print them out here.
Place Nielsen-Massey Products Next To Each Other
Build off our vanilla's well-recognized name and bottle by placing our other products next to the vanillas on the shelf. This encourages customer curiosity and, ultimately, sales. Not to mention, they make quite an impressive display when all together.
Match Flavors with Serving Pieces, Bakeware & Kitchen Gadgets
The display will catch the customer's attention and create add-on sales.
When Building Displays, Group Several Of Our Products
Many recipes use more than one of our products. Build add-on sales by showing them together. For instance, our Chocolate Extract pairs well with our vanilla products and our Coffee Extract. Or, create a display showing off our different origin-specific vanillas.
Work With Seasonal Themes
Our Peppermint Extract is great for winter cooking scenes. Our Lemon Extract, Rose Water, Orange Extract and Orange Blossom Water are wonderful in the spring and summer. Build on your customers' emotional relationships with the holidays and seasons to encourage sales.
Take Advantage Of Trends
Keep an eye out for the next big culinary trend. Whether it's cupcakes, French macaroons, whoopie pies or the next "big thing", stage a scene with the necessary ingredients and appliances to let your patrons know they can make these at home. Don't forget to make a recipe available to them as well.
Show How To Use Products, Especially More Unfamiliar Ones
The best way to sell products like the Rose Water and Orange Blossom Water is to create displays that show off how to cook with them. (For these two specific products, and all of our products, you can find recipes in our Recipes section.
Really Set The Scene, Be Creative
More than just the products you're selling, set the scene with beautiful decorative platters, baskets, linens, raw ingredients... whatever draws attention.
Need more help? Want to talk? Contact us through the site or call us at 847.525.PURE (7873).